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teamwork and motivation Essay - 1313 Words

Teamwork and Motivation Vanita Johnson BUS 520 Dr. Kimberly Millier July 19, 2013 Assignment 3: Teamwork and Motivation Due Week 7 and worth 200 points Imagine that you are the owner of a small manufacturing company. Your company manufactures a commodity, widgets. Your widget is a clone of a nationally known widget. Your company’s widget, WooWoo, is less expensive and more readily available than the nationally known brand. Presently, the sales are high; however, there are many defects, which increase your costs and delays delivery. Your company has fifty (50) employees in the following departments: sales, assembly, technology, and administration. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:†¦show more content†¦Manipulators resort to punitive measures that may seem to work at first but will quickly drive talented people out the door. Another intuitive understanding is that a little sincerity goes a long way and is crucial when youre seeking to motivate others. Experienced managers realize this, especially if they’ve been on the receiving end of insincere motivational efforts. To develop a motivational plan, find out what really motivates your managers and their staff. A good first step is a brainstorming session in which you ask them what they think motivates their employees and work teams. It’s also valuable to ask them to recall incidents in which they were able to work with an employee to improve the worker’s productivity. The goal is to probe for specific actions the managers undertook that worked well. An e-mail from glepine, sent to TechRepublic on the topic of powerful motivator elements, illustrates this point well. A software engineer, glepine said he wants to feel that what he says and does is important to the team and to the company. A key point in keeping a team motivated is â€Å"to make them feel they have an influencing power over the project, and actually they must have some of the power.† Glepine added that team leaders should take any input seriously. â€Å"The leader must work with the team members to fit their inputs into the project’s perspective (goals, objectives, deliverables, etc.). This way, the team members will have the opportunity of providingShow MoreRelatedTeamwork and Motivation828 Words   |  4 Pagespeople, and creating a management environment that creates a fresh mood of teamwork, excitement, and feeling appreciated. Criticized for lavish company conferences Hart explains, as the text documents, that luxurious spending changes the hearts of people (p. 320). When you think about it, his effort in combination with employees doing volunteer service for San Franciscos Habitat For Humanity is a great way to spur motivation. 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